439 Main Street, Franconia, New Hampshire

Library News

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Because You Asked 3/4/24

This week we have more information regarding Franconia Town Meeting on March 12. Please see below. For additional information visit the Franconia Town Hall website:  http://www.franconianh.org/voter-information.ht

FRANCONIA TOWN MEETING will be held Tuesday, March 12th at Lafayette Regional School at 7:15 p.m.   At Town Meeting we will be asked to approve various warrant articles that include proposed funding for Town departments, ambulance service, and the Franconia Community Power Plan. 

VOTING for town offices and zoning amendments will take place from 1:00 PM - 7:00 p.m. at the same location.  Sample ballots for both town offices and zoning amendments are attached below. 

The selectmen will have a table with copies of each of the amendments and some explanations. Here is a quick overview:

  1. Floodplain amendment:  this is replacement of the current floodplain zoning, with updated language provided by the State of NH, to comply with National Floodplain Insurance requirements.  We need the update so that the town, and anyone in town with property in a flood zone, can continue to be eligible for National Floodplain insurance.

  2. Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) amendment:  the current ADU zoning allows for only attached ADUs, meaning they must have a common door with the primary residence.  This amendment will allow for detached ADUs, such as an apartment above a free standing garage or other structures on the property (including newly built).  The goal of this amendment is to increase flexible housing options for residents, including allowing older residents to age in place.  Please see the attached full language for all the restrictions on detached ADUs, including a prohibition on using them for short term rentals.

  3. Gambling Facilities amendment:  This will prohibit for-profit gambling facilities, like the one proposed in Littleton, in Franconia.  A related amendment adds the definition of gambling (as written by the town's attorney), which must be added to the zoning list of definitions. 

Ann Steuernagel